Friday, April 17, 2009

Happy Eggs?

Okay, I know you won't believe me but....
The other morning I was cracking a few eggs in a bowl for some scrambled eggs when I looked down and there he was. Just as plain as day this cute little fella who I really think looks like Jack in the Box ( if there are any Texans out there) staring right at me as to say "Good Morning!" Of course I called all of the girls in one by one having to swear I didn't set this up as we all had a good laugh! I ran to get my camera so I could share..... Hope it makes your day, it did mine!

Soccer Anyone?

This gorgeous little athlete is the reason I am getting up for an 8 o'clock game in Little Rock on a Saturday morning!!! What we will do for our kids!

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Summer Feet!

I must confess that I'm always one to push barefeet and flip-flop wearing. I have been anxiously awaiting the weather when I can let my tootsies breathe! There were a few days when I rejoiced thinking spring was here only to wake up the next morning and sigh as I reached for my closed toe shoes. Come on warm weather, my feet are begging you come and stay for a while!

Friday, April 10, 2009

Today, I reflect and think of the Cross. The picture of what Christ did for me is many times more than I can handle. The guilt and reality that it was my sin that put him there is overwhelming. But then the realization that because of that bloody picture of my Jesus on the Cross I am free and covered with His blood and His love. I can live a life forgiven because of the Cross.
I used to sing a song...

In letters of crimson God wrote His love on hillside so long, long ago
For you and for me Jesus died. and Love's greatest story was told...
I Love You
I Love You
That's what Calvary said
I Love You
I Love You........ Written in Red.

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Childhood Memories

My grandma recently passed away. My brother and I drove to Oklahoma for the funeral and were able to spend a little time at Grandma's place. We knew this would probably be the last time we saw the place. Standing there looking at what was once a lively house with with the aroma of fresh baked pies coming from the kitchen window a yard full of the most magnificent flowers and a huge garden that filled up the back half of the property I couldn't help but see the parallel in that old house and my grandmother. The only difference is that this old house will likely be dozed down and no resemblance of life will be left but my grandmothers old and worn out body just got traded in for a spectacular one of perfection. She is tending to a magnificent garden and beauty that we cannot even fathom. There with her Jesus who she lived her whole life to be with.

I am thankful for the memories of this old house and the pies baked from pecans off these trees, but the beauty of her life was her faith and example of living a life where her Jesus was always her top priority. May I strive to live my life with such faith, conviction and longing for my Savior.

Monday, April 6, 2009

Spring is in the air.... maybe not today but it was.

Still playing with the new camera.... we are starting to figure it out. I'll have to give credit to Donny for taking a couple of these shots. All of these were taken in my front yard.... pretty huh?

Sunday, April 5, 2009